Organising the assignment!


How will the work be organised? How will the roles be distributed?


As you have seen from the example of the school trip, a budget takes into account both the expenses and the inputs of money required to pay for them. Each institution in our society (companies, schools, etc.) has a specific budget. The same is true of our public institutions. What do we know about all that?

  • What different kinds of tax do you know about?
  • Who pays taxes?
  • Make a list of the services offered by these 3 institutions
  • Where do these institutions get the money they need to pay for the different services they provide? What are the sources of financing?
  • Do you know what taxes are?
  • What different kinds of tax do you know about?
  • Who pays taxes?
  • Does everyone have to pay tax?
  • Does every one pay their respective taxes responsibly?
  • Who receives or collects taxes?
  • What happens to the money raised in tax? What is it used for?
  • What happens to people who don't pay their tax?