Etorkizuna Eraikiz

Gipuzkoa anticipates the future

Reference centres for innovation and experimentation

The Etorkizuna Eraikiz reference centres promote cooperative strategic projects on issues related to the current and future needs of Gipuzkoa's society.

Audiovisual laboratory as a meeting point for the Basque audiovisual sector and promotes work in multidisciplinary groups.

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Comprehensive Care Center exponent in advanced care for aging and dependency.

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Reference node in social innovation and meeting point for citizens to achieve a more just, cohesive and humane society.

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Linguistic innovation laboratory created as a referential experimentation space for the revitalization of Basque.

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Proposal for the improvement of employability and the fight against social exclusion.

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The aim of the Gantt reference centre is to consolidate Gipuzkoa as a global benchmark in the development of cell, gene and RNA therapies, with an industrial orientation.

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Digital gastronomy center as a development pole that integrates the digital age in Gipuzkoan gastronomy.

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Project with a long-term vision promoted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa to face the challenge of sustainable mobility.

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It is the reference center created by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council to face the challenge of climate change.

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Gipuzkoa Quantum aims to place a Quantum Technology Hub in our Territory.

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Gipuzkoa center to strengthen the territory's capabilities in advanced manufacturing and industrial cybersecurity.

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Think Collaborative Governance isn't for you? We'd like to change your mind

Over the last few years Etorkizuna Eraikiz has been continuously advancing, listening and building new bridges, utilising the dialogue and talent of a society that is trying to find its place in the future.


individual participants


participating organisations


public activities

The transformative power of people, their actions and collaborative projects


citizenship projects


experimental projects


proposals incorporated into budgets

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Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
30 October 2024
Enpresa txiki eta ertainei etorkizuneko erronken aurrean laguntzeko programak sendotu eta indartuko ditu Foru Aldundiak
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
17 October 2024
Gipuzkoak AArekiko bizikidetza “errealista eta eraginkorraren” alde egin du “Industrysec2024” ekitaldian, lehiakorra izaten jarraitzeko
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
10 October 2024
ZIURek zibersegurtasunaren etorkizuna elkartuko du ‘IndustrySec 2024’ kongresuan