The Gipuzkoa Provincial Council

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa is responsible for governing and administering the province of Gipuzkoa. Its President is elected by the General Assembly and is responsible for implementing the programme of the government, which is made up of provincial councillors appointed by the President. The General Assembly is the governing body of the Provincial Council and is responsible for setting the guidelines for and aims of the provincial government's actions.

The Provincial Council has recognised competences as a provincial institution, especially in the areas of finance, economic development, roads and social policies. The General Assembly is the highest public representative and participatory body in the province and takes the form of a parliamentary body consisting of 51 councillors elected by universal suffrage.

The General Council of Gipuzkoa was created in the 16th century. At that time, the Council was made up of procurators designated by the General Assemblies and the council of the municipality in which the Assemblies gathered. Nowadays, the General Assemblies and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa are governed by the provisions of the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country and the Regional Provinces Act.

Government team.

Eider Mendoza
Eider Mendoza Deputy General

Hondarribiarra born in Azpeitia (1974). I am trilingual (Basque, Spanish and French) and I speak English. I studied Business Studies, with a specialization in International Trade, at the École de Commerce Européenne de Bordeaux university. I began my professional career in private business, but soon (at the age of 26) I joined politics at the institutional level. With extensive parliamentary experience, first in the Basque Parliament where I served as group coordinator and spokesperson for social policies and later in the General Meetings of Gipuzkoa where I coordinated the political group and assumed the presidency of the institution. After assuming the position of Governance Deputy and spokesperson during the last legislature, I currently have the honor of being the General Deputy of Gipuzkoa.

José Ignacio Asensio
José Ignacio Asensio Deputy of Sustainability
Maite Peña
Maite Peña Deputy for Care and Social Policies
Irune Berasaluze
Irune Berasaluze Deputy of Governance
Unai Andueza
Unai Andueza Deputy of Economic Development and Strategic Projects
Azahara Domínguez
Azahara Domínguez Deputy of Mobility, Tourism and Planning
Itziar Agirre
Itziar Agirre Deputy of Public Revenue and Finance
Felix Urkola
Felix Urkola Deputy of Road Infrastructures and Territorial Strategy
Xabier Arruti
Xabier Arruti Deputy of Green Territorial Balance
Goizane Álvarez
Goizane Álvarez Deputy of Culture, Cooperation, Youth and Sports

The Economic Agreement. Leiho berrian irekiko da.

In a few words.

The financing system of the Basque Country, by virtue of which the financial and tax relations between the Basque Country and the Spanish state are set up

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Institutional integrity system. Leiho berrian irekiko da.

Commitment to an Efficient, Intelligent and Ethical Governance.

The Institutional Integrity System of Gipuzkoa Provincial Council is delivered through a set of objectives, principles, procedures and guarantee institutions, along with assessment, accountability and transparency mechanisms, that seek to forge an integrity policy and the construction of an ethical infrastructure of the Provincial Administration overall, as well as of its provincial public sector

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Gipuzkoa Provincial Council Building. Leiho berrian irekiko da.

Discover the Provincial Palace of Gipuzkoa inside.

The Provincial Council Building dominates one of the main enclaves in the 19th-century extension of the city. This rounded off the Plaza de Gipuzkoa, designed in 1867 by José Eleuterio Escoriaza in the neo-classical Isabelline style and embellished by the English-style gardens designed in 1877 by Pierre Ducasse

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Gipuzkoa, corporate destination. Leiho berrian irekiko da.

A land with an industrial heartland.

Gipuzkoa is a creative, smart and competitive territory, which constantly strives to guarantee the sustainable generation of wealth, the wellbeing of its people and citizen coexistence. A territory whose driving force is, precisely, the strength and competitiveness of its industry.

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