Etorizuna Eraikiz, as well as being a strategy for the future with some very relevant strategic projects, is also a new way of considering and exercising the public function. It is a new corporate culture that is made tangible in processes that are already changing the way we think, work and collaborate. It is the moment for colleagues who are making Etorkizuna Eraikiz a very present future in our everyday work to share, learn about and disseminate real experiences.
From You to Us
Many people within the organisation are not aware of the implications of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz project and the profound change is having in the culture and processes of the different Departments of the Provincial Government. EtorkiGUnea is a new meeting point for sharing and learning about some of the projects and cultural changes that Etorkizuna Eraikiz is bringing about in our own organisational culture. From the intangible to the tangible. From marketing to facts. From promise to reality. From future projection to the present. From politician to civil servant. From the individual to the community.
From You to Us.
EtorkiGUnea is designed to be a living container, in which civil servants themselves can pool their experiences and contributions on this transformation in organizational culture. These experiences are already taking shape in the different departments and can inspire and drive the transformation of an entire community. Together we can generate a virtuous circle in which our own actions and small achievements feed the energy to continue creating the new culture that will prepare us even better for future challenges.
Practical case studies
Etorkizuna Eraikiz. A Name of Its Own
Kataluniako Generalitateko Ordutegi Erreformarako Bulegoko zuzendaria.
UPV-EHUko Soziologia katedraduna eta Sinnergiak Social Innovation-eko zuzendaria.
Ekonomialari feminista eta bizitzaren iraunkortasuna aztertzen duen espainiar aktibista soziala.
Glasgow Caledonian Universityko irakaslea eta Wise Justizia Ekonomikoko Zentroko zuzendariondokoa.
Ikertzailea Bernako Unibertsitatean, Suitza.
Ekonomia Politikoko Saileko irakaslea, Modenako Unibertsitatea eta Reggio Emilia.